
Why Should I use a Temp to Hire?


Staffing Services match workers with short-term or temporary-to-permanent positions. They're sometimes known as contract firms or employment agencies. When you finish a short-term work assignment, the agency looks for another assignment for you. The benefits of using a staffing service and doing temporary work include:

  • You can gain work experience, develop skills, obtain training, or increase networking contacts.
  • You can earn money while you look for work.
  • It's easier to get a job when you have a job.
  • You may be able to get more flexible hours or working conditions to accommodate your personal situation.
  • Sometimes employers offer permanent positions to temporary workers who work out well.
  • You can check out an employer or an occupation before making a commitment to training, a particular career, or a particular employer.

Why should I use a staffing agency to hire?


A staffing agency works on behalf of a company to find temporary employees for positions that the company needs to fill immediately. The agency is responsible for the job postings, vetting the candidates, and eventually hiring the employees. Staffing agencies can be your golden ticket to filling employment vacancies!

A good hiring strategy really boils down to two key quetions: What exactly do I need? Where am going to find it? Asking these questions will help you move foward with your hiring.

What exactly do I need?

  • Have I created a job description that includes the purpose of the job at my company, essential job functions, and other key information?
  • Do I know what additional qualities are essential for succes in the position?
  • What are my must haves and what can I do without?
  • Do I need a person who is already trained, or am I willing to train the right person?
  • Given the work, timeframe, and budget, do I need a permenant employee (full-time or part-time), temporary worker, or contractor? What about an intern?

Where am I going to find it?

  • Does an existing employee have the skills I need?
  • Can I promote or transfer that person instead of hiring someone new?
  • Have I checked my network (current and past employees, customers and vendors, chamber of commerce, professional associations, LinkedIn group, church or other community groups) to see if they know anyone who may be a good fit?